Truman Road Development Opportunities

Why relocate to the Truman RD CID?


The Truman RD CID is booming with available buildings and real estate ripe for development.

Located adjacent to downtown Kansas City with great highway access Truman RD is home to several industrial leaders like : Ace Imagewear, Belmonte Ice Cream, Windustrial, and MPP. The Truman Road Business Park PIEA offers a host of unique incentives to relocate and grow your business in our community.

Interested in available properties?  Please reach out to us, we would love to see your business adding to the growth of our district!

Truman Road Business Park PIEA – info sheet

PIAC Grants Awarded to Truman Corridor


The Truman CID submitted applications for multiple City of Kansas City, MO PIAC (Public Improvement Advisory Committee) Grants in the fall of 2022. We just received word that two of our applications have been approved for funding! This is great news for the Truman Corridor. These grants will help with beautification and area improvements.

Truman CID requested additional funding for the purchase and installation of 30 trees to replace a series of dead and/or missing trees on East Truman Road, from Indiana to White Avenue and North to East 12th Street and South into Blue Valley Neighborhood. This proposal also asked for funding to complete minor landscaping plantings in the corridor.  We hope that this project will encourage a major reduction in trash being discarded through the corridor and provide benefits to residents and businesses in the area. The funding of $29,700 has been approved for this project in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023.

Our second request was submitted to address and improve the flood mitigation at East 12th Street. These improvements would include infrastructure improvements to divert rainfall at the intersection of East 12th Street and the railway overpass and Elmwood Ave., stormwater BMP implementation with landscaping effects to retain as much water as possible and provide an attractive appearance to the rest of East 12th Street, and regrade the road at this area to divert excess water into BMPs nearby with the same mitigation effect extended to more drainable space. The funding of $112,500 has been approved for this project in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023.

We are very excited to receive funding for these two major improvements in the Truman Corridor. A big Thank You to the KCMO Public Improvement Advisory Committee, City Council, and Mayor Quinton Lucas!

Truman Road Bike Lane Adjustments

There have been new developments surrounding the bike lanes along Truman Road. On March 1, 2023, the Kansas City, Missouri, City Council voted on a plan that would reconfigure the bike lanes in the area.

Under the reconfiguration, the existing two bike lanes – one on each side ofTruman Road – would be consolidated into a single, multi-purpose lane that would support travel in both directions. The lane would support multiple modes of transportation, including pedestrians, bicyclists and others. Both sides of Truman Road will also have dedicated 24-hour permanent parking.

The City stated that it would take four to six weeks to implement the plan.

For more detailed information please visit