Commercial and Industrial Projects Benefitting Businesses and Property Owners Within the Designated Truman Road Corridor Areas
Buildings must be within the Truman Road CID, specifically between White Street and Indiana.
The TRCID Reimbursement Funding Pool (Pool) is $75,000. When the “pool” is depleted, no additional funds will be available unless otherwise approved by the TRCID board. Quotations of approved façade improvement projects will be recorded and 50% of project costs will be reserved for project completion. Reimbursements will be given on a “per building” basis. Façade improvement reimbursements are limited to $7,500 each. This means a maximum limit of $15,000 in improvements can be accepted. Any improvement costs greater than $15,000 will not be reimbursed above the $7,500 or 50% limit.
- Only one façade improvement reimbursement will be given per owner.
- Project applications will be received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted.
- The TRCID reserve the right (at its sole discretion) to accept, reject or modify any application that is not compliant with the guidelines and criteria listed in this guide.
- At the time a reimbursement request is made, no individual or business will be eligible for reimbursement under this program if such entity is in default of tax obligation to the TRCID.
- This Façade Reimbursement Program is only available to TRCID members that are owners of commercial properties or tenants occupying an entire building located within the TRCID boundaries. Should a tenant apply, prior written approval by the property owner must accompany the application.
- Reimbursement is limited to labor and materials for eligible cost items. The TRCID may require non-eligible work to be performed as a precondition for reimbursement of eligible cost items. Examples of non-eligible improvements which might be required include screening of a trash dumpster, or the striping of a parking lot. The following improvements are always required, even where such improvements may not be eligible for reimbursement.
- Non-conforming signage (both attached and free-standing) brought into conformance with city ordinances.
- Property must be in compliance with all city ordinances.
- Graffiti on all exterior surfaces covered, removed, or painted over.
- Business and property owners must have no outstanding tax obligations to the TRCID.
- Improvement plans are subject to review and approval by the city and TRCID board. To be eligible for reimbursement, no work may be performed until approved by the city and TRCID. Work that has commenced prior to approval is not eligible for reimbursement.
- Liquor stores and adult entertainment businesses are not eligible. However, in situations where an entire block of store fronts with other types of businesses are being upgraded by participation in the program only the eligible store fronts can receive any proceeds.
- The TRCID reserves the right to determine applicant participation in the program on a case-by-case basis.
- Applicants are expected to achieve full tenancy of the building upon completion of the improvements and at the time of application. Evidence of tenancy commitment(s) or lease copy may be required.
Eligible Improvement Rehabilitation Costs
Permanent façade features on the commercial structure are eligible for program assistance. All improvements must be visible from the street and follow the design plan approved by the city and TRCID.
Eligible improvements include the following:
- Masonry and facia repairs
- Exterior painting
- Awnings and attached signs
- Window and door replacement(s)
- Lighting and electrical needs
- Parking lot repairs or resurfacing when visible from public right-of-way (only as part of the total project)
- Curbs and sidewalk repairs and installations if visible from public right-of-way and if it is the owner’s responsibility to maintain (only as part of the total project)
- Bars on windows subject to design committee approval
- Fencing replacement and /or repairs (excluding chain link and wood privacy fences)
- Roof repairs if visible from public right-of-way
- Replacing, repairing, and removing signage subject to design committee approval (sign must be attached to the building)
Improvements excluded from the rebate program include those not visible from public right-of-way and those not consistent with the overall building improvement.
The following types of businesses and uses are not eligible to participate in the program.
- Exclusively residential buildings
- Properties owned by religious institutions
- Franchise and chain businesses
- Branch banks or financial institutions (i.e., payday loan companies)
- Adult bookstores or similar businesses
- Bars, taverns, liquor stores, and other establishments whose principal business is the sale or serving of alcohol
This program is designed to complement and support existing, on-going, and planning efforts of the small business. The TRCID is responsible for promoting the program among businesses within the TRCID boundaries. The TRCID acts with general oversight responsibilities for this area, coordinating design review meetings and handling the flow of process between the applicant and the TRCID.
Façade planned improvements which will utilize outside contractor agreements need to require prevailing minimum wage or provide fringe benefits provisions.
Each TRCID funded rehabilitation or improvement project (if required) must have a written record that an environmental review was undertaken by the city’s Environmental Review Officer.
The purpose of this document is to ensure the project has complied with all environmental laws and regulations, and the considered environmental effects of the proposed scope of work prior to committing funds for rehabilitation.
If an applicant is located outside the designated program areas, the applicant may request an exception in order to participate in the program. The request should be made to the TRCID in writing with detailed reasons why an exception should be made. The TRCID will consider the exception and respond in writing within approximately (30) days.
Process Steps
Project applications will be received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until the pool funds are depleted. The TRCID will arrange to meet with the applicant to fully explain the reimbursement program. The TRCID will explain to the applicant that the program is a benefit to the applicant and encourage the applicant to be comprehensive so that all aspects of improvement to the façade are addresses. The TRCID will explain that improvements must not be started until approval of the applicant’s design plan by the TRCID.
The TRCID will verify ownership or tenancy either through city records and/or lease/rental agreement. Tenants shall receive from the building’s owner written consent to perform work on the property. The applicant must complete an Application Form. The TRCID will log in and review the application.
Design Review
The TRCID will schedule a Design Review meeting to consider and review the applicant’s improvement plans. Prior to this meeting the applicant should have assembled improvement plans and specifications in as much detail as possible. The applicant’s improvement plans should conform to the standards set forth in the program’s Design Guidelines (Appendix A).
Participants to the Design Review Committee include the applicant and TRCID representative. The intent of the Design Review meeting is for the applicant to openly discuss the details of his or her improvements with the TRCID’s representative so the style and type of improvement will be acceptable to the standards of the community. Consensus should be reached at this meeting. The TRCID’s representative will then consult with the TRCID’s board members for improvement plans acceptability.