Safety & Security:

The TRCID employs a private security firm to assist with crime prevention in the corridor. The North Kansas City Bureau of Investigations provides nightly patrols across the entire district and assists Police in capturing assailants and documenting crime in the area.

Additionally, through a partnership with the KCPD the TRCID purchased and installed 18 face recognition security cameras at various locations throughout the district. These KCPD monitored cameras have assisted in identifying assailants and acting as a criminal deterrent. The TRCID is currently working to install another round of cameras at several KCPD marked locations and takes the prevention of crime and the protection of property  in the corridor very seriously.

Need to report an incident or ask a question? Drop us a line to tell us about your security concerns.

Public Area Beautification & Maintenance:

The TRCID has a series of programs to assist with trash clean up and beautification in the corridor. Each winter the TRCID sponsors snow removal for the corridor to keep our sidewalks clear and safe, we also provide weekly trash and debris removal, tire disposal, and bulky item pickup.

Have an area near your property that needs attention? Let us know, we are here to help!

Façade Improvement Program:

The Façade Improvement Program is a building façade improvement program designed to provide rehabilitation with a 50% reimbursement to owners of commercial property and businesses in designated commercial revitalization areas along the Truman Road corridor and within the Truman Road CID.

The central purpose of the program is to improve the attractiveness and commercial appeal of businesses withing the TRCID boundaries. Reimbursement from the TRCID for improvements is a major component of this objective. Historic preservation is a secondary objective of the program in that all improvements shall, to the extent possible, be in keeping with the structure’s original style and character. The program is designed to complement and support existing, on-going planning efforts of the TRCID and community in key corridor areas. This TRCID program offers a great incentive to owners of commercial property and businesses located within these key corridor areas.

The Façade Improvement (Reimbursement) Program is funded with TRCID funds and is managed by the TRCID.