The Truman Road Community Improvement District (TRCID) is a Political Subdivision of the State of Missouri and was formed in 2008 as a means to beautify, restore, and enhance the Truman Road Corridor.

Stretching from Indiana to White Ave along Truman Rd the TRCID is made up of 177 unique properties which include both local and national businesses, a National Historic Site, 43 Acres of green space and the sprawling Guadalupe Campus.

Truman Road has long served Kansas City as a major artery; connecting downtown to the east and acting as a commercial hub for the surrounding neighborhoods. In 1949 the City formally renamed the then 15th Street to Truman Road in order to honor President Harry S. Truman who grew along 15th. At the naming ceremony in 1953 the program announced that: “Truman Road represents a symbol of progress and citadel of freedom”. Now, thanks to the hard work of our property owners, Truman Road, some 69 years later is again seeing a resurgence.

To say that this Road has heart is just the beginning. If you take a walk down Truman Road today, you can be reminded of the hard work and ingenuity of local business owners, the power of diversity, the richness of Kansas City history and as Harry Truman would say a place that has made: “opportunities of its’ difficulties”.

Truman Road CID Boundaries